CALIFORNIA California Statutes of 1968, Chapter 461, Part 2.5 of California Civil Code, Sections 54 through 54.7, and Sections 55 & 55.1, amended 1969, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1983. California law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all public transportation. Also guaranteed is the right of a dog guide user to equal availability to commercial housing, but the landlord is not required to modify the premises or to maintain a higher standard for care than they provide other tenants. No extra charge can be levied by a public accommodation, common carrier or landlord because of the dog guide's presence, and the dog guide user is liable for any property damage caused by the dog. For purposes of California state income tax, all costs for the maintenance of a dog guide are deductible as medical expenses. Public accommodations include hotel, motes, restaurants, stores, places of resort and recreation, and all other places to which the public is invited. Zoos are the only exception, but if a zoo excludes dog guides, the facility must provide and adequate kennel are for housing the dog guides, and must provide a sighted escort if the dog guide user is not accompanied by a sighted person. (*54.1, *54.7) Common carriers or public transportation includes airplanes, trains, taxis, buses, and all other forms of transportation offered for the public use. (*54.1) Housing includes all property offered for rent or use, except private, single-family dwellings of no more than one room for rent. (*54.1) Violation: The above enumerated rights are enforceable under the provisions of the California Civil Right Code. (*54.3, 55,*55.1)